This is a non political community group who have discussions on articles & the processes involved re Cangai Copper Mine, Mt Gilmore, Ewingar & other ELS – Exploratory Licenses in the Clarence Catchment. Stop open cut copper mining in the Clarence Catchment. Also Coal Seam Gas mining re the Narrabri project Pilliga Forest and other related news. The group’s main aim is to campaign peacefully to protect the environment from acid mine leeching from copper/cobalt mining & BTEX chemicals re CSG. Discussions have included for some time occasional political agenda which is a necessity when looking at Amendments to Bills, newspaper articles etc
Writers have a chance to sway Local ,State and Federal members to look into matters of concern to the public. Petitions submissions Emails and telephoning appropriate govt depts is the general way we deal openly with what is considered matters of importance. Also there are delegates who directly meet with politicians. Media release announcements and also public appearances on radio, television, letters to the newspaper editors. Yes busy busy. At times there are information forums as well where guest speakers give out information. A big thank you goes out to the many Volunteers + Organisers. Keep up the good fight. Unity in the quest of saying: NO COPPER COBALT & COAL SEAM GAS MINING IN THE CLARENCE VALLEY, #nominesclarencevalley
Clarence Catchment Alliance FB group
Keep The Clarence Mighty FB Group
No Mines-Clarence Valley (page).