Citizens Climate Lobby Australia

Citizens Climate Lobby Australia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy and education association focused on accelerating climate solutions


Citizens Climate Lobby Australia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy and education association focused on accelerating climate solutions. In order to generate the political will necessary for the passage of effective climate solutions legislation we train, support and provide the tools for volunteers to engage with all Members of Parliament, the media and the public. Our key legislative proposal is for an Australian Carbon Fee and Dividend, a climate policy that can accelerate climate solutions while being equitable.

We Are Non Partisan: The climate emergency is too important to leave to partisan politics.
We Value Common Ground: CCLs approach is relationshipbased and builds upon shared values in keeping with the concerns of local communities.
We are Here to Help: Whatever your location, your level of expertise or interest, our experienced volunteerled team are here to help you with any questions you might have.

Citizens Climate Lobby started in the USA in 2007. Since then it has expanded and is now located in 30+ countries across Africa, Europe, UK, Asia and Central America. Citizens’ Climate Lobby Australia was started in 2014. In order to generate the political will necessary for effective action on climate change we train, support and provide the tools for our volunteers to engage with leaders, the media and the public.

Our Mission
We exist to create the political will for climate solutions, by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.

Our Vision
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Australia’s vision is to inspire Australia to become a leader in a global race addressing climate change for a liveable world.

Celebrating & honouring achievement
Some of our members’ greatest achievements
– Being a catalyst in the creation and recreation of the Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action Group
– Our many meetings with Members of Parliament and greater recognition by and influence with parliamentarians
– The conferences and lobby days we have in Canberra.
Regular conferences and other national and state gatherings have enabled us to train hundreds of members in the art of engaging with our politicians, and led to hundreds of successful lobby meetings with federal politicians and many more meetings with their advisors, to date. Congratulations to all CCL Australia volunteers for your participation and dedication. With you, CCL Australia will continue to achieve more in the future.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Sub-groups of Citizens Climate Lobby Australia:


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


2021: Net Zero by 2050 – 100 Days of Action

Building the Centre

Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050

Climate smart recovery

Australian Climate Dividend

Climate Act Now

Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition




Website: Citizens Climate Lobby Australia

Facebook: Citizens Climate Lobby Australia

Youtube: Citizens Climate Lobby Australia

X: Citizens Climate Lobby Australia