West Papua

This campaign aims to raise awareness and prompt action regarding the ongoing genocide against the people of West Papua and the history of both western (economic) and Indonesian political colonisation in that country.
Raising awareness, educating ourselves, Targeting companies, Pressure the Australian government, building stronger links and Targeting Australian Defence Force Industries


A crew of students working on:
• Raising awareness on campus about the ongoing genocide against the people of West Papua and the history of both western (economic) and Indonesian political colonisation in that country.
• Educating ourselves and others more fully about the current political situation in West Papua
• Targeting companies profiting off human rights and environmental abuses in West Papua, particular those logging and mining, and bring to account for their actions through community campaigns, direct action, raising shareholder awareness, and to resist corporate globalisation in all forms
• Pressure the Australian government to support the plight of the West Papuan people, and to grant asylum status and full protection rights to any West Papuan asylum seekers.
• Building stronger links with the west Papuan community in Australia
• Targeting Australian Defence Force Industries which continue to support the violent military suppression of the independence movement in West Papua; to pressure the Australian Defence Force Industries to cut off all military trading with the Indonesian Government, which continues to violently quash dreams of independence in West Papua.
Contact: Monique Wicks ( 0412 492 925 / [email protected] )

Campaign resources & links
• Download the 2007 ASEN Free West Papua broadsheet
• Download a set of Frequently Asked Questions
• Downlad the Project Exodus document
• Download the 2006 ASEN Free West Papua broadsheet
• Read Nick Chesterfield’s article “Hunted for Being Students – West Papua” in Germinate here
• Check out http://www.freewestpapua.com/

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


West Papua