
This campaign targeted Wade Noonan to enact a ban on on-shore gas in Victoria.
Ban Gas in Victoria


This week we’re calling the decision maker, Wade Noonan: July 28, 2016

We’ve spent years campaigning for a ban on onshore gas. Any day now our new Minister for Resources, Wade Noonan, will decide if we will get a #VicGasBan. He’s been hearing a lot of hot air from the gas industry. We need to make sure he knows about the dangers of onshore gas and the depth of community opposition. Help us to protect our water, health, climate, tourism and farming industry by keeping onshore gas drilling out of our state. Please contact Wade Noonan this week and tell him that we need a permanent ban.

Talking Points:
• Last year a Parliamentary Inquiry researched the science, the operation of the industry overseas and in other parts of Australia, and consulted with communities that would be affected.
• Two Labor MPs on the committee—Harriet Shing and Shaun Leane—came to the conclusion that the only way to protect communities is a total ban on onshore gas. Victorian communities have been asking for a ban for the past five years.
• 73 Victorian communities have decided to Lock their Gates to this invasive industry to protect our water supply, farmland, food and climate.
• On average, 95% of people in surveyed across these communities said they wanted a ban on unconventional gas.
• Farms cannot co-exist with gasfields. Communities are suffering stress and mental health difficulties. They fear losing their farms, their heritage and their livelihoods.
• The community has spoken time and again: there is no social license for onshore gas in Victoria.
• It’s time to transition to 100% renewables.

The most powerful way is to phone his office on 03 9399 9022. Say you want to leave Wade Noonan a message. Give your name and address and leave a short message. Tell him you support a permanent ban on all onshore gas drilling – both conventional and unconventional. Tell him why it’s important to you e.g. to protect our water, economy, farming communities, health, environment and climate. If you can’t call him, send him a short email Email [email protected] e.g.

Dear Minister,
I am writing to you to you urge you to enact a full and permanent ban on all onshore gas drilling in the state. I believe that all onshore drilling – conventional and unconventional –poses a threat to our environment, farmland and climate. The ALP banned the nuclear industry in our state in the 1980s. That decision has stood the test of time. A full and permanent ban on all onshore gas will be equally well received by the community.

• Or look for us on Twitter @GasfieldFreeVic and Facebook
• Mention Wade Noonan and please use the hashtag #VicGasBan
• Possible tweet: Communities want certainty. It’s time to BAN all onshore gas drilling @wadenoonan @DanielAndrewsMP #VicGasban
• Join us this Saturday July 30th at noon, in Wade’s electorate, Williamstown to fly a kite in support of a ban and help us to survey Wade’s community to see how they feel about onshore gas.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Coal and Gas Free Victoria

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Victorian State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2015 to 2017

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Victoria has bought in legislation banning or restriction coal seam gas mining

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:

