Turn the Tide Kevin

The "Turn the Tide Kevin" campaign is giving all Australians the opportunity to tell our Prime Minister how we would like him to respond to Climate Change. We are asking him to make 2010 Australia's peak emissions year.


The science is in……The next 12 months are crucial …….we must act now…….Renewable is do-able. What we need now is the political will to make change happen. “Turn the Tide Kevin” is giving all Australians the opportunity to tell our Prime Minister how we would like him to respond to Climate Change. We are asking him to make 2010 Australia’s peak emissions year.

Come on Kevin – Turn The Tide – Peak Carbon by 2010

See the campaign click here
The campaign presently has over 100 images that have been sent to us since August. In November while the government is formulating it’s White Paper we plan to present Kevin Rudd with an album showcasing these images.

What to do:
1. Find a group of people that would be happy to stand in a photograph supporting this message
2. Make a banner / sign!! cardboard, paint a sheet, coconut husks (pictured here) anything that comes to hand
3. Take the photo – please limit other banners/messages to club banners only (no party political signage). The message needs to be clear.
4. Send the photo to [email protected] and please include:
· Where you are from.
· What type of community you are.
· Estimated numbers in the photo.
· Date photo was taken
· Contact person and details. Plus comments about your photo that you’d like to share.

You could also:
– Get media exposure – get in contact with your local paper. For media tips see… www.acfonline.org.au/uploads/res/res_communityclimatekit.pdf (ACF publication p20)
– Put it on Face Book !
– Lend the Banner out! – This morning at our Primary School, when we invited parents to participate in a ‘photo-shoot’ at pick up time, parents were coming up and asking if they can borrow the banner to take a photo with the football team on Sat morning!!! Yes Yes Yes!

Happy snapping, “Turn The Tide” team.
TURN THE TIDE: [email protected]

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Change Balmain Rozelle

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2010 to 2011

Campaign Outcome:


Turn the Tide Kevin