Turn the Tide

The essence of this campaign is to deluge Kev with images from you and your mates, sports and social clubs, schools and churches showing how much you support reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emmissions
Send a visual petition to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd demanding peak carbon by 2010


Join ‘Turn the Tide’ campaign and send a visual petition to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd demanding peak carbon by 2010. The essence of the campaign is to deluge Kev with images from you and your mates, sports and social clubs, schools and churches showing how much you support reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emmissions. We have the power to make a positive difference for our families’ future. Email a copy for the BREAZE website – [email protected]

The fine print:
Australians of the future and the Federal Government of the present need your help right now. In six months time the government will present a White Paper in response to Professor Ross Garnaut’s Climate Change Report in which he stresses the need for immediate and unconstrained action. The Turn The Tide campaign is a unique opportunity for community input into the White Paper to ensure that its recommendations are not watered down or delayed by the Federal Opposition or powerful vested interests of the fossil fuel industry. We have the power to make a positive difference.

If you would like to use the BREAZE Turn The Tide banner for your photograph, email [email protected] for information.

See more at Citizens Climate Campaign

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2009 to 2010

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:


Turn the Tide