Top End Sea Life

This campaign called on supporters to send a letter to both the Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory to protect Top End seas.
Get our Top End Seas protected


Northern Australia is the last regional stronghold of marine biodiversity for the South-East Asian region. We are fortunate to have relatively healthy populations and functional ecosystems that support our precious marine flora and fauna. Our ecosystems support wildlife including sharks, rays, dugongs, whales, dolphins, turtles, fish, sea snakes, seabirds, shorebirds and wader birds. Many of these species are regionally threatened. Because Northern Australia is the last strong hold for these species it is imperative that we protect their future and our precious wildlife heritage. For over five years, the Australian Marine Conservation Society has worked on the ground in the Northern Territory to protect tropical Australia’s rapidly developing coastline from industrial-scale developments and the threat of overfishing. In 2009, our work continues. Focusing on securing marine national parks across Territory waters, our Northern Marine campaigner, based in Darwin, leads our passionate team.

The Top End lifestyle is second to none. We have the tropical weather, the remote and special places and the incredible wildlife. We’ve also got some really great natural assets, including our beautiful seas. Our Top End seas are some of the last remaining relatively healthy tropical waters in the world. It is up to each of us to keep it that way, so we can maintain our great lifestyle and keep our coasts and seas world class. With less than 1% of our Top End seas protected, we’ve got a long way to go. The Territory’s tropical seas are truly special. They are a global haven for six of the world’s seven species of sea turtle. The NT’s sandy beaches are particularly critical nesting grounds for five of our sea turtle species. This incredible ecosystem also supports wildlife including sharks, rays, dugongs, whales, dolphins, turtles, fish, sea snakes, seabirds, shorebirds and wader birds. Many of these species are regionally threatened.

Our Top End seas are governed by both the Northern Territory (NT) and Australian Governments. The NT Government provides stewardship for coastal waters out to 3 nautical miles. They are responsible for the breeding and nursery grounds of our fish, dugongs and turtles. The Australian Government is responsible for the seas stretching from 3 nautical miles out to 200 nautical miles, which is the playground and feeding grounds for many of our marine animals. The variety of sea life in this area is amazing and includes migratory whale species, sharks, dolphins and seabirds. Many of these species are regionally threatened. With less than 0.1% protection, the NT and Australian Governments are failing to provide our world class ecosystem with the protection it deserves.

That is why we need your help. We need you to send a letter to both the Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory. Please click here to send online letters and help get our Top End Seas protected.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Marine Conservation Society

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2008 to 2012

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Top End Sea Life