Time2Choose: The Next Step

This campaign pushes for NSW to have the right policies on climate for the NSW State election in March 2019.


A letter to the Premier – and to the Opposition Leader.

The NSW State election is due in March 2019 – and already the parties are getting into election mode. As we become more and more aware of the changes in the climate that are already upon us, it is important that NSW has the right policies. So we are telling our politicians that it’s time to choose. As we are heading, we can continue to damage our land and our water with coal and gas mines and continue to burn fossil fuels, leading to ever hotter summers, more damaging storms and rising seas – or we can protect our farms, our water supplies, and our atmosphere by leaving fossil fuels in the ground and switching to renewable energy, and playing our state’s fair part in reducing CO2 emissions.

As they formulate their policies – governing the state and going into the election – they can choose. And on election day, we can choose.

CCBR has drafted two letters: one to Gladys Berejiklian, leader of the NSW Liberals and State Premier, and one to Luke Foley, leader of the NSW ALP and of the Opposition. Download the letters (and feel free to edit them to suit your own preferences); print off as many copies as you can use, distribute them to your group, your friends, your workmates, your family, your neighbours; get them to sign and mail them to the politicians at the addresses shown.

One letter in the mail has more impact than a signature on a petition, or an email. A trickle – no a stream – of letters over the coming weeks and months will remind them that voters all around the state of NSW have a decision to make next March, and it’s #Time2Choose a government with the right policies to protect our vital natural resources, our farmland and our people.

Download the letters from the links on the right of the page.

New South Wales is blessed with rich fertile farmland, clean fresh water and beautiful rural landscapes. But all of that is at risk if we don’t choose to safeguard it.
Our land, our water and our health has been damaged by coal and gas mining, rural villages torn apart and democracy compromised.
With a state election due in March 2019, it’s time to carve out our own positive future. Our time to choose: clean food, clean air and clean energy!

NSW is at a crossroads and we have launched a major new campaign to show our political leaders that its time to choose a new direction. A future of vibrant communities and diverse economies with jobs in agriculture, clean energy and knowledge and service industries.

On Saturday24 March 2018, people from across Sydney and right across NSW will gather in the CBD to make a powerful call for the switch to clean, renewable energy, and for the protection of our water, land and communities from coal seam gas and coal mining.

This date will be one year out from the next state election. This massive rally will be a historic moment to kick off the movement that shifts the politics and achieves real change for the protection of our vital natural resources, our farmland and our people.

It’s #Time2Choose a different future. It’s time to support clean air, clean water and clean energy! Join us for a fun and historic gathering that will shake the halls of power and help set NSW on the path to a safe, sustainable and prosperous future.
WHEN: Saturday March 24, noon to 2pm
WHERE: Martin Place Sydney CBD, marching to Prince Alfred Park – CCBR will be gathering outside the Reserve Bank in Martin Place at 11.45.
WHAT: Thousands of people from across NSW are calling on politicians to choose a clean air, clean water and clean energy future for NSW. The rally will be led by representatives of Indigenous communities, followed by farmers, graziers, people representing rural towns and urban communities, environmental advocates, health professionals,faith groups and more. The rally will be followed by speeches and music. Horseback riders will travel behind rally participants to Prince Alfred Park.


Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Change Balmain Rozelle

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2018 to 2019

Campaign Outcome:


Time2Choose: The Next Step