Stopped HRL

On 27 July 2012 the nail was put in the HRL coffin when the federal government withdrew its $100 million grant to the proposed coal plant. This achievement is a great example of what a strong community campaign can achieve.
Stop HRL coal plant


Stopped HRL. We know we highlighted this wonderful success last year but on 27 July 2012 the nail was put in the HRL coffin when the federal government withdrew its $100 million grant to the proposed coal plant. This achievement is a great example of what a strong community campaign can achieve.

From the Friends of the Earth Melbourne webpage:
‘What is the HRL proposal?
Dual Gas – a subsidiary of Melbourne company HRL – is planning to build and operate a $750 million, 600MW coal fired power plant in the Latrobe Valley near the Loy Yang B power station. HRL has been attempting to build a coal-fired power station in the Latrobe Valley since the project was announced by then Minister for Energy and Resources Candy Broad in 2002, and had promised the power station would be operating in 2008. It has been through a range of investors and management structures since then. The HRL project has struggled to find any financial backers apart from the State and Federal Government. Last year, Chinese manufacturer Harbin Power withdrew its 50 per cent stake. The plant was originally intended to be 400MW, and if allowed to proceed this new coal station will add 4.2 million tonnes of greenhouse polluting emissions to Australia’s atmosphere annually, increasing Victoria’s annual emissions by about 3 per cent. It currently has an approval application with the Victorian Environment Protection Authority. The EPA must deliver a decision on the proposal by Jan 2, 2011.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Environment Victoria

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on website 'Stopped HRL: We know we highlighted this wonderful success last year but on 27 July 2012 the nail was put in the HRL coffin when the federal government withdrew its $100 million grant to the proposed coal plant. This achievement is a great example of what a strong community campaign can achieve.' (sourced Annual Report 2013 page 8)

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stopped HRL