Stop Qld solar discrimination

We need to continue standing together to ensure there is no discrimination to solar owners—current or future. A
Stop Qld solar discrimination


UPDATE: Following an outcry from Solar Citizens and other solar owners across the state, the QLD government is already backing down. On Tuesday, 4 June, Premier Newman talked about solar fees on 4BC radio. He said that “A deal is a deal… we will not fiddle with that. If they’ve qualified, if they’re part of the scheme, they will get their 44 cents. The other commitment I make this afternoon is that we won’t be imposing some special tax or levy on those people with a panel.”

So you’re clearly making an impact!
But, we need to make sure he doesn’t back on his word. That’s why we need to continue standing together to ensure there is no discrimination to solar owners—current or future. A decision on solar in Queensland is imminent in the next few weeks, so we need to build pressure now! Sign the petition below and share with your friends to let Newman know that we won’t let him go back on his word.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Solar Citizens

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Premier Newman

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on website 'UPDATE: Following an outcry from Solar Citizens and other solar owners across the state, the QLD government is already backing down. On Tuesday, 4 June, Premier Newman talked about solar fees on 4BC radio. He said that “A deal is a deal... we will not fiddle with that. If they've qualified, if they’re part of the scheme, they will get their 44 cents. The other commitment I make this afternoon is that we won’t be imposing some special tax or levy on those people with a panel.” So you’re clearly making an impact! But, we need to make sure he doesn't back on his word. That’s why we need to continue standing together to ensure there is no discrimination to solar owners—current or future. A decision on solar in Queensland is imminent in the next few weeks, so we need to build pressure now! Sign the petition below and share with your friends to let Newman know that we won’t let him go back on his word.' (sourced 31/1/2022 from Wayback Machine

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stop Qld solar discrimination