Stop Newman’s Big Solar Slash

We can’t let the Newman Government put our energy future back into the hands of the big power companies. Take a stand for your solar and the growth of solar in Queensland today.
Don't slash the feed-in tariff to 40,000 families


Queensland is at risk of losing its reputation as the Sunshine State. Today, Energy Minister Mark McArdle has announced that the Newman government will be killing the 8 cent feed-in tariff for solar owners as of July. This means that the 40,000 solar owners already on the tariff – and future solar owners in Queensland – will have to negotiate directly with retailers to receive any money at all for the energy they provide back to the grid.

If Premier Newman is looking for a way to ensure big energy companies maintain their control over our energy system, this is the best way to do it. When retailers set the rules, solar owners lose. We can’t let this happen here in Queensland. There are families who will lose the already too small tariff they’re receiving now, and there’s still thousands more homes in our State that want to go solar. We can’t let the Newman Government put our energy future back into the hands of the big power companies. Take a stand for your solar and the growth of solar in Queensland today. Sign the petition below.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Solar Citizens

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Queensland State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: The eight cent tariff paid to owners of PV Solar power systems owners by Energex and Ergon Energy will end on June 30, Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney said today.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stop Newman’s Big Solar Slash