Sign our open letter to Damian Drum

In this open-letter campaign farmers were asked to sign open letters to their local members urging them to take stronger action on climate change.
For Damian Drum to stand up for farmers in the Mallee by supporting strong action on climate in regional Australia


We are running an open letter to ask Damian Drum, the Federal Member for Nicholls, to support strong action on climate in regional Australia. If you’re a farmer from Nicholls, sign the letter below to send a message that farmers need climate action to secure the future of their farms.

Dear Member for Nicholls, Damian Drum,

We the undersigned are calling on you to stand up for farmers in Nicholls by supporting strong action on climate in regional Australia. Farmers and regional communities stand to benefit from the transition to a low carbon future. Nicholls is no exception. Over the next 30 years we are going to spend an estimated $1 trillion on our electricity system, which opens up massive economic opportunities for our regional areas. With support, farmers and their communities can also benefit from biodiversity stewardship, sequestering carbon in trees and soil, hosting renewables, and more. Right now the EU is drafting legislation that will penalise Australia’s farmers over climate inaction. This is why we need you to show your support for the phasing out of coal-fired power plants in Australia, as well as a strong net-zero target and support for farmers in reducing their on-farm emissions.

Farmers in Nicholls are depending on you. Signed.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Farmers for Climate Action

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Sign our open letter to Damian Drum