Shale Gas

Buru Energy has been exploring for shale and ‘tight’ gas. EK is calling on the WA Government to support a moratorium on fracking in the Kimberley
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Shale Gas: Risks of Shale Gas Fracking
The threat of fracking is looming over the Kimberley. Buru Energy has been exploring for shale and ‘tight’ gas. Shale gas is mined by pumping millions of litres of water, toxic chemicals and sand under high pressure to crack the underground rock where gas is found. This process is called hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’.

Water, Land, Air – what’s at stake?
• Water – Toxic chemicals and methane gas may pollute our groundwater.
• Land – Widespread clearing of native vegetation and habitat.
• Air – Pollution from methane gas and other toxic substances.
• Health – People across the world report sicknesses from fracking.
• Climate change – ‘fugitive emissions’ (leaking gas) may make gas no cleaner than coal.

Not enough is known about the dangers of fracking in the Kimberley – However we do know:
• WA’s own Water Corporation and Department of Health say fracking should be banned from drinking water supply areas
• Many countries and some Australian states have banned fracking
• Thousands of cases of water contamination from fracking operations have been confirmed around the world

In spite of all this, the WA Environmental Protection Authority is refusing to assess fracking, handballing its responsibilities to the Department of Mines and Petroleum – whose role it is to both promote and regulate the mining industry. The WA Government has given the go-ahead for fracking to start in the Kimberley, without any assessment by the WA Environmental Protection Authority.

EK is calling on the WA Government to support a moratorium on fracking in the Kimberley until or unless it can be proven to be safe beyond doubt.

What can you do?
• Sign a petition to protection WA’s land and water from gas fracking
• Write to WA Premier Colin Barnett and ask for a moratorium on fracking: [email protected]
• Support Environs Kimberley by becoming a member or making a donation.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Environs Kimberley

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:


Shale Gas