SEQ Regional Plan

Together with Council, we as community, need to ensure Halls Creek is completely removed from all planning documents.
Please have your say on this critical issue for the region by making a submission by Friday 3rd March 2017


Shaping SEQ 2016. The draft SEQ Regional Plan or ShapingSEQ was released on 20 October for comment until 03 March 2017. While the real questions about unsustainable population growth and ‘growth’ projections need to be asked and objectively answered, the South-East Queensland Regional or ShapingSEQ is the overarching statutory planning document. As such, it has significant implications for the region’s environment and liveability. The Sunshine Coast Council has prepared this overview and video which reinforces the crucial elements such as protecting the Moreton Bay to Sunshine Coast Regional Inter-urban Break and not supporting Halls Creek for development. The draft document has identified Halls Creek is identified as a ‘Potential Future Growth Area’ (PFGA). ShapingSEQ identifies PFGA’s as areas that may be needed to accommodate future urban growth. These are located in the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area to limit development and protect them from further fragmentation that would prejudice their ability to accommodate future urban development. These areas are not required to accommodate the dwelling supply or employment planning benchmarks of ShapingSEQ.(out to 2041)

The intent is to protect their future potential, not to promote or support their investigation for urban purposes during the life of ShapingSEQ, unless the Queensland Government’s monitoring of land supply and development activity indicates infill or other benchmarks may not be accommodated. Where appropriate, ShapingSEQ identifies more specific intent in relation to particular areas in Chapter 3, Part C: Sub-regional directions. The identification of these areas is not a development commitment and does not imply that all, or any part of these areas, will be made available for urban development in the future. The role of these areas will be considered further at the next five-yearly review of ShapingSEQ.

Together with Council, we as community, need to ensure Halls Creek is completely removed from all planning documents. Beerwah East, now identified within the Urban Footprint in the draft Plan, needs to be rigorously assessed to determine its suitability for future development as part of a robust planning process. The SEQ Regional Plan takes precedence over our local planning scheme, so please have your say on this critical issue for the region by making a submission by Friday 3rd March 2017. SCEC is partnering with the Environmental Defenders Office Queensland and the Dept of Planning for a series of informative planning seminars, including the draft SEQ Regional Plan-see more here.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Sunshine Coast Environment Council

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Queensland Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: No data is provided

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


SEQ Regional Plan