Save Solar Tasmania

Tell the state government that a fair price for solar and other small renewable energy installations should be legislated before electricity retailing is privatised.
Do not axe the feed-in tariffs


Call for Action: Tasmanian Feed-in-Tariffs and the sell-off of Aurora. Update 23 August: The state government has released it’s “Final Position” on the solar feed-in tariff. Our campaign is more important than ever. Read our post on the changes, including important information you need to know right now. Will you sign the petition to Save Solar in Tasmania? 15,000 households in Tasmania have already installed solar PV systems and Tasmania has the physical resources and the expertise to be the renewable energy powerhouse of Australia, developing local sustainability and exporting clean energy to the mainland.

Government policies that support local household, commercial, community and on-farm renewable energy generation can:
– Create employment. For example jobs created in installing rooftop solar are direct, local and of the type needed in the Tasmanian economy.
– Diversify the generation of electricity, enhancing security of supply and reducing wholesale prices.
– Reduce transmission losses by generating power closer to the point of use.
– Allow increase export of existing hydro power to the mainland providing additional revenue for the state.
– Demonstrate Tasmania’s commitment to action on climate change and enhance the state’s reputation as ‘clean and green’.

That’s why Save Solar Tasmania has started a community effort to ensure a strong future for solar here in Tasmania. Tell the state government that a fair price for solar and other small renewable energy installations should be legislated before electricity retailing is privatised.

What you can do:
– Read our post on the changes (23 August 2013)
– Read our Submission to the government review (11 June 2013)
– Follow our Twitter feed
– Email the Energy Reform Project and Bryan Green, the Minister for Energy and Resources
– Contact your local member of the House of Assembly.

When you donate to Solar Citizens, you’re supporting an organisation dedicated to growing and protecting solar in Australia. We are completely independent and do not accept any government money. Instead, we rely on the generosity of…

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Solar Citizens is an independent community organisation bringing together millions of solar owners and supporters to grow and protect solar in Australia. Join today to help ensure all Australians can take power… View more.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Solar Citizens

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Tasmanian State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: The solar feed-in tariff for Tasmanians who invested before September 2013 has dropped to 8.5 cents per kilowatt hour…. But the solar citizen website says they won by providing 1,600 submissions to the State.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Save Solar Tasmania