Save our Marine Life

Every day, support for our sanctuaries continues to grow. Divers, fishers, surfers, sailors, families, businesses, coastal communities and ocean lovers around the country are joining with Save Our Marine Life and the Big Blue Army to ensure our shared ocean heritage is properly cared for.
Restore our new national network of marine sanctuaries


In 2012, Australia made history by creating the world’s largest network of marine sanctuaries – protecting our incredible marine life, safeguarding our enviable coastal lifestyle, and giving fish populations across Australia the chance to rebuild and thrive. More than 100,000 of us helped to create this legacy for our children and the future health of our oceans. But now, despite 10 years of science and overwhelming community support, these common sense sanctuaries are all. Every day, support for our sanctuaries continues to grow. Divers, fishers, surfers, sailors, families, businesses, coastal communities and ocean lovers around the country are joining with Save Our Marine Life and the Big Blue Army to ensure our shared ocean heritage is properly cared for.

The creation of the national network of marine sanctuaries has crossed political divides and received bi-partisan political support. It was initiated by John Howard’s Coalition Government in 1998, and finalised by the federal Labor Government in 2012. Yet, in December 2013, the Abbott Government took the extraordinary step of suspending all new federal marine parks – erasing the plans that put their protective zoning in place. Tony Abbott ordered a ‘review’, saying that not enough science research or consultation has taken place. This makes no sense. The ‘review’ is an expensive and unnecessary waste of time and money as there’s already been:
– 10 years of scientific assessment
– 606 days of consultation
– 221 leading scientists backed sanctuaries
– 750,000 public and stakeholder submissions, with 95% support
– $100 million allocated to compensate for less than 2% of commercial fish catch affected

This is Prime Minister Turnbull’s opportunity to end Abbott’s era of marine neglect. Let’s make sure they hear loud and clear that Australians want to see our sanctuaries restored as soon as possible.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Save our Marine Life

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Turnbull Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2013 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Save our Marine Life