Sacred People Sacred Earth

Join faith communities around the world for a huge new multi faith event calling for bold and immediate action on the climate crisis.
Bold and immediate action on the climate crisis


Global Multi Faith Climate Action: Sacred People Sacred Earth, New date: March 11, 2021
Join faith communities around the world for a huge new multi faith event calling for bold and immediate action on the climate crisis. This is now taking place on March 11, 2021. Please note the new date. Apologies for any inconvenience to those who have enthusiastically been promoting the original date. Two things will be happening on the day chosen:

1. Global multi-faith statement on the climate
The GreenFaith International (GFI) Network will publicise a multi faith statement calling for a recovery from COVID which will help create a more just world order while tackling the climate crisis. This will be signed by high-profile leaders of a wide range of faiths and we will soon be asking for you to sign this too. By March 11 we aim to have the signatures of tens of thousands of religious leaders and individual people of faith and spirit. GFI will then call for a “Year of Action” in the lead-up to the next round of crucial international climate negotiations (known as COP26) which will be held in Glasgow in November 2021. People of faith around the world will press urgently at the national and international levels for a compassionate, just response to COVID-19 and the climate emergency.

2. Places of worship worldwide call for climate justice
In support of the statement and to draw attention to it, places of worship around the world are being asked to ‘sound the alarm’ for the climate and call for climate justice as we try to get our economies going in the wake of COVID. Each place of worship will choose its own way to do this: by ringing its bells, by sounding a note on the shofar, calling the Azan, by chanting and by meditating. Just as long as make a noise – or even some thunderous silence! We each have our own traditions, but we will be united in one clear message. Every place of worship on Earth is invited to join in. Households of people of faith can join in too. Please hold your action at 12 noon at your local time on the nominated date. If that time doesn’t suit you, no problem. Holding it at any time on the day will be fine.

Who is involved?
A global, multi-faith coalition called GreenFaith International is organising thousands of faith communities to take part in this global day of action. This action is being held in at least 14 countries including Brazil, Kenya, Chile, Germany, UK, Indonesia, India, Uganda, Nigeria and the Southern African region. So your local actions as part of this will be part of something huge. These two combined actions will form the basis of the public launch of a new international multi-faith network for climate action called GreenFaith International.

How to get involved
Please complete the form below. We will be in touch in the coming days with a complete information pack outlining:
• How to make this really take off on social media
• How to get local media attention (We will of course be getting the national media interested, and we have help from our partners in getting global media too)
• How to take a great short video of your action and where to upload it.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2020 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:


Sacred People Sacred Earth