Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Mareeba Shire

We want to see a kerbside recycling collection and/or drop off points, so that everybody has easy access to recycling. 800+ people, mostly from Mareeba, Kuranda, Speewah and Bibhoora signed the petition that was presented to the Mareeba Shire Council asking for a kerbside recycling collection.
Kerbside recycling collection and/or drop off points, so that everybody has easy access to recycling


A group formed to lobby for a recycling collection in the Mareeba Shire. We share ideas on how to reduce, reuse and recycle amongst the group, as well as how to lobby further for better recycling options.

KerbSide Recycling Collection Campaign.
This truck holds 750 Bins of Garbage and proudly declares that it would rather be a recycling Truck. We want to see a kerbside recycling collection and/or drop off points, so that everybody has easy access to recycling. 800+ people, mostly from Mareeba, Kuranda, Speewah and Bibhoora signed the petition that was presented to the Mareeba Shire Council asking for a kerbside recycling collection. This group maintains that this survey is not an indication of the opinion of the population on the topic of the petition and that I collection for all who currently get a garbage collection would encourage many more residents to recycle, making it a viable option. Unfortunately the Council responded by announcing that they had already decided that a collection for all would not be financially viable, and they sent out a survey asking ratepayers, if they wanted an optional user-pays collection. The response was poor.

Currently recyclables are trucked through the Range to the ARRT facility in Cairns with general rubbish. They go through a composting process before being trucked back again to Landfill on the Tablelands. We maintain that the recyclables should be taken to the ARF for recycling, not trucked back up to Landfill. We accept that their may be more viable options, such as local recycling collection points. One has been established in Kuranda. We would like to see stations in Mareeba and other towns. Don’t wait for a collection, recycle now. Collect your own recycling and take it to the Transfer Station If you live in Kuranda you can also take it to the local neighbourhood Recycling Centre Help us organise public awareness activities. Join the conversation on the FaceBook group. Don’t wait for a ban, reduce now.

We support campaigns that help the wider community to reduce their consumption of non renewable resources such as Ban the Bag.
– Use waxed cloth as food wrap
– Freeze food in glass
– Take your own bag shopping
– Make and take your own produce bags
– Buy products with less packaging
– Shop at fresh food markets
– Use Bamboo toothbrushes
– Use metal lunch boxes
– Compost

Don’t wait for a workshop, reuse now. Share lots of creative ways to reuse items to keep them out of landfill and reduce the need to manufacture more.
– Make art and craft from discarded plastic and metal
– Making printmaking plates from polystyrene trays
– Make building bricks from compacted rubbish
– Build your own plastic recycling machine
– Keep glass jars for preserves and freezing
– Reuse containers in the garden
– Make a playground out of old tyres

Success! – Kuranda Recycling Station. We thank the Mareeba Shire Council for setting up this neighbourhood Recycling Station in Kuranda. It was partly in response to our Campaign for a Kerbside Recycling Collection. At first 9 bins were supplied, this was quickly increased to 18. Thanks to the residents who immediately took the opportunity. We would like to see the the Council setting up drop off points in Mareeba and other centres as well. This seems like a practical solution for smaller communities.

Container Deposit Scheme
We were very pleased to hear the announcement that the Container Deposit Scheme will be implemented in July 2018. Have your say on how you would like to see it implemented before Monday, March 20, 5:00pm.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Friends of the Earth Far North Queensland

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Mareeba Shire Council

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Mareeba Shire