Queensland Vegetation Reforms

The Agriculture and Environment Committee recently handed down its report into the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the VMROLA Bill). The Bill amends the vegetation management framework to reinstate many of the provisions which were in the Vegetation Management Act 1999 prior to the regressive changes made by the former Newman government in 2013.
See this important Bill passed to restore reasonable and urgent vegetation protections


The Agriculture and Environment Committee recently handed down its report into the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the VMROLA Bill). The Bill amends the vegetation management framework to reinstate many of the provisions which were in the Vegetation Management Act 1999 prior to the regressive changes made by the former Newman government in 2013. The Environmental Defenders Office Queensland explains the report and why we need to see this important Bill passed to restore reasonable and urgent vegetation protections. The Bill is expected to be debated during the mid-August parliamentary sitting. Now is a critical time for politicians to recognise the compelling science, the need to address accelerating climate change and biodiversity loss and that these amendments will not unduly affect the many stewards of the land who produce our food and fibre by passing this bill. The draft bill essentially seeks to restore the universally accepted vegetation framework as it was in 2012.

So what can you do to help in this critical time? Well, here are a few suggestions…
Do you live in the Nicklin electorate? If so, you can let Peter Wellington MP, the Independent Member for Nicklin who holds the balance of power, know that you care about good environmental laws that protect our wildlife, woodlands, waterways and weather! By restricting broadscale clearing (which pretty much amounts to deforestation at the current rates!) with reasonable and realistic legislation, we can start to turn around climate change impacts like the shocking mass coral bleaching of the iconic Great Barrier Reef, curb accelerating biodiversity loss as well as looking out for farmers and primary producers. SCEC is encouraging supporters to get creative! This isn’t about the farmer versus the greenie -that’s an old, thin and convenient story! This is about uniting and realising that our food, farms, forests, fish and future go hand in hand.

How can YOU help ensure these laws are restored?
Take a photo of yourself holding a sign with a brief and creative message asking Mr Wellington to support the VMROLA Bill. Remember to include your name and where you live. Email them to us at [email protected] and we’ll add them to our collage of others who share your passion. Feel free to post them directly to Mr Wellington’s facebook page as well. Here’s some locals to inspire you! Write a letter to Mr Wellington via GetUp! Write a letter, email or phone Mr Wellington’s office directly. You can find those details here. Need any more motivation to take these easy and effective actions? See this latest article and footage from The Guardian.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Sunshine Coast Environment Council

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Queensland State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Queensland Vegetation Reforms