Queensland Election Vote for our Reef!

The future of our Reef is in the hands of the next Queensland government. So we’ve assessed the policies of the major parties to see where they stand on protecting our Reef and oceans this election.
Protect our Reef and oceans this election


Our Great Barrier Reef and oceans are under pressure. Global warming, pollution, unsustainable fishing, deforestation and industrial development are taking their toll. The future of our Reef is in the hands of the next Queensland government. So we’ve assessed the policies of the major parties to see where they stand on protecting our Reef and oceans this election. Here’s how they compare: 

About this scorecard
The AMCS Queensland Election Policy Scorecard is an independent assessment of the parties’ policies by the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).

About us
The Australian Marine Conservation Society is a Queensland-based national environmental organisation representing a quarter of a million people across Queensland and the country. We are a voice for reefs, people, wildlife and our oceans. We are proudly independent, non-partisan and funded by donations from the community. We do not endorse parties or direct people how to vote, but offer independent policy assessments of where the parties stand on the big issues facing our Reef and our oceans.

Why have we assessed the policies of the main parties?
Queensland is home to one of the seven natural wonders of the world: the Great Barrier Reef. Queensland also has more marine species than any other state or territory in Australia. It is home to some of the most important parts of our blue planet, including the glorious Great Barrier Reef. But our Reef and oceans are threatened by climate change, pollution and industrial development. Some Queensland’s fisheries still catch vulnerable species and some special places remain unprotected.

Urgent and immediate action is required to tackle the crisis facing the Great Barrier Reef. Almost half of its shallow water corals have died in the past two years and scientists warn there’s a chance of another bleaching event this summer. The single biggest threat is rising ocean temperatures from climate change, driven mainly by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and gas. Decisive action is needed to cut carbon pollution by switching to renewable energy. Efforts to improve water quality, protect coastal habitats and reduce fishing pressure must also be accelerated. The future of our World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef is in the hands of the next Queensland government.

How have we assessed the policies of the main parties?
AMCS has written to the main parties to let them know what’s needed to protect our Reef and oceans in the next term of government. We have independently assessed each party’s position and commitments based on their responses, published policies, statements and election announcements. We have rated each party as having ‘promised’ or ‘not met’ six key commitments we were seeking. Where a party had not made a policy commitment (ie there was no available policy or statement on the commitment we were seeking) a ‘not met’ rating was given. Where a party had supported some of the aspects of the commitment we were seeking, a ‘partial’ rating has been given.

Note: AMCS has assessed the policies of parties that are fielding candidates in at least a quarter of Queensland seats. Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) and a number of independents are also fielding candidates to the Queensland election. A list of all candidates by electorate can be found here and the KAP policy platform can be found here.

Learn more:
• Download the background our AMCS’ assessments [PDF] >>
• Take action: Ask all parties leader to protect our Reef >>
• Tell Tim Nicholls: refuse Adani’s $1bn taxpayer-funded loan >>

Authorised by the Darren Kindleysides, AMCS, 4/145 Melbourne St South Brisbane QLD 4101.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Marine Conservation Society

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2018 to 2018

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Queensland Election Vote for our Reef!