Protecting the Kimberly Coast

This campaign highlights that the environment of northern Australia, including the Kimberley, was rated as one of the few relatively pristine coastal areas left on Earth, the other identified areas being confined to the polar regions
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Few large-scale marine areas on our planet remain rich in conservation values and largely beyond the reach of industrial, commercial and residential development. The Kimberley is one of a very few such places left on the planet. This marine area is recognised as one of the world’s most ecologically diverse, and in the first global analysis of human impacts on marine ecosystems, the environment of northern Australia, including the Kimberley, was rated as one of the few relatively pristine coastal areas left on Earth, the other identified areas being confined to the polar regions (Halpern et al. 2008). Up until now, the remoteness of this area has protected this beautiful environment from impacts felt elsewhere. For this reason too, we are only just beginning to properly understand the full suite of environmental values.

Traditional Owners of this coast have of course known the value of their sea country for many tens of thousands of years.
• The one thousand islands of the Buccaneer Archipelago
• Keeping 80 Mile Beach free from mining
• The Humpback Whale Nurseries of Camden Sound
• The Coral Atolls of the Rowley Shoals
• Looking after Broome’s Marine Wonderland
• The North Kimberley coast – one of the last remaining unspoilt coastlines on earth
• Protecting the Horizontal Falls.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Environs Kimberley

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Protecting the Kimberly Coast