Its major recent successes have been the listing [in 2008] of the ‘Chariot Wheels’ plant as an endangered species and its successful [1996-2001] campaign to preserve the Mullum Mullum Valley bushland. Recent submissions to government have been on the Green Papers on the ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme’ and on ‘Land & Biodiversity in a time of Climate Change’.

Preserve the Mullum Mullum Valley bushland
Successful [1996-2001] campaign to preserve the Mullum Mullum Valley bushland
Preserve the Mullum Mullum Valley bushland
Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.
Campaign Details
Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Conservation Foundation Mullum Branch
Campaign Target Type: Not stated
Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated
Main Issue of the Campaign: Conservation
Campaign Ran From: 1996 to 2021
Campaign Outcome: Coming soon
Year Outcome Assessed: Not yet assessed
Geographic Range of Activity: Local
- Climate change (922)
- Conservation (394)
- Environment (1)
- Mining (439)
- Other (210)
- Renewable Energy (203)
- Sustainability (95)