Power revolution!

In this campaign, Environment Victoria partners with PowerShop - encouraging supporters to switch their power to PowerShop: "Plus, when you switch to Powershop with us, Environment Victoria receives a financial contribution towards its Power Revolution campaign to shift Victoria from dirty brown coal to clean renewables."
Switch to a greener, cheaper power company


Join the Power Revolution. Switch to a greener, cheaper power company in five minutes. Did you know Victoria has the dirtiest coal-fired power plants in Australia? Or that it also has the most ripped-off electricity market, with the biggest profit margins for retailers — over three times higher than in New South Wales, Queensland or South Australia?1

Big power is raking it in, exploiting the planet and the public — and you and I are paying the price. That’s why Environment Victoria has joined forces with Powershop, Australia’s greenest energy retailer, to call for nothing less than a revolution in power supply. Together, we’re offering 100 percent carbon neutral electricity that works to safeguard our climate and generally costs less than the rest. In October 2014, the Essential Services Commission in Victoria issued a report on electricity prices in the state which found that ‘taking into account all available discounts, the lowest overall prices were most commonly available from Powershop’. Powershop was also ranked one of the cheapest electricity retailers in Victoria in St Vincent de Paul’s 2015 Tariff-Tracking project.

Plus, when you switch to Powershop with us, Environment Victoria receives a financial contribution towards its Power Revolution campaign to shift Victoria from dirty brown coal to clean renewables. And if you want to support renewable energy projects in Australia even further, Powershop offers a range of additional GreenPower products, including an Environment Victoria pack that returns 1c per kilowatt hour back to our campaign.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Environment Victoria

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: General Public, power companies

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Power revolution!