Plastic Bottle Campaign

Our goal - to have Benalla a 'single use plastic bag free' & 'water bottle free' town
To have Benalla a 'single use plastic bag free' & 'water bottle free' town


The Plastic Bag Action Group is looking at options to reduce or eliminate plastic bags from the waste stream in Benalla. Our goal – to have Benalla a ‘single use plastic bag free’ & ‘water bottle free’ town. We have met on several occasions with employees of Benalla Rural City and a representative from Benalla Business Network in an initiative to make Benalla a “Plastic Bag Free” town. Progress has been very slow – it would be great to have new members in our passionate, committed action group with time on their side to work towards our goal.

The environmental impacts of plastic bag use include:
Danger to animal life, especially when they find their way into the sea.
Pacific Trash Vortex. The amount of floating plastics in the world’s oceans is increasing dramatically.
Litter problem. Plastic bags are a highly visible, ugly component of litter.
Loss of resources. Plastic bags are typically used for a short period of time but take hundreds of years to break down in landfill. While plastic bags can be recycled, only a tiny proportion of plastic bags are collected and reprocessed.
Greenhouse gases. Based on using ten lightweight plastic bags per week over a 2-year period, the greenhouse gas impact has more than three times the greenhouse gas impact of a reusable ‘green bag’.
A lightweight plastic bag consumes about 4.5 times more energy in its manufacture than reusable ‘green bags’.
To get the full greenhouse gas benefit from a reusable ‘green bag’, it must be reused over 100 times.
Starch-based biodegradable (or ‘compostable’) bags consume less than one-third of the energy to produce as plastic alternatives, but emit marginally more carbon dioxide (CO2 – a greenhouse gas) as they decompose. However, unlike single use plastic bags, biodegradable bags will completely breakdown.

Plastic Bottle Campaign: BSFG President John Lloyd has had this slide show for some time and sees it having continuing relevance today. Scroll down to view the complete slide show.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Benalla Sustainable Future Group

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2017 to 2017

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Plastic Bottle Campaign