Planning Issues HEN

The Planning Issues campaign by HEN advocates for greater response at our local government level to improve effective protection of our natural resources, and more sustainable communities.
Greater response at our local government level to improve effective protection of our natural resources, and more sustainable communities


Planning law must protect the environment and communities. HEN wants greater response at our local government level to improve effective protection of our natural resources, and more sustainable communities. We have held discussions with MPs, other organisations and local Councillors at public meetings towards this point. HEN now has members on two Council subcommittees: Sustainability Committee, and Waste Management Advisory Committee. However, there is much more to be achieved through constant consultation with experts in the various fields. It is felt that Hawkesbury Council should specifically build up its capacity through staffing and policy towards more environmental protection and education for sustainable living. Effective planning can protect wildlife habitat, water resources, farmland and urban settlements, and can help us tackle some of our most pressing environmental challenges, including:
– loss and fragmentation of native vegetation and wildlife habitat degradation of rivers, wetlands and water catchments
– urban sprawl, traffic congestion and urban air pollution carbon pollution and impacts of climate change.

Part of HEN’s work has been greater liaison with the Better Planning Network. BPN is campaigning for a visionary planning system that fosters environmental and social sustainability with best planning design outcomes. As such, the BPN is a signatory to Planning for People: A Community Charter for Good Planning in NSW. Other signatories to the Charter include the National Trust of Australia (NSW), the Nature Conservation Council of NSW, the Total Environment Centre, the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development, Australia International Council for Monuments and Sites, Our Land Our Water Our Future and the National Parks Association of NSW.

Other Links
– Draft Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney
– Planning your Local Area
– Environment Defenders Office NSW (EDO)

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Hawkesbury Environmental Network

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Local Council

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Planning Issues HEN