Our Clean Energy Future

Sign the petition calling on the Federal Government to join the renewable energy revolution.
Join the renewable energy revolution


Australia is at a crossroads. Coal and gas are polluting our air, poisoning our water, and making our planet way too hot to handle. While countries around the world capture the benefits from the renewable energy industry boom, the Federal Government still has no plan to invest in the clean, safe, and affordable energy future we need. So we came up with one for them. Sign the petition calling on the Federal Government to join the renewable energy revolution.

Australia is at a crossroads. Coal and gas are polluting our air, poisoning our water, and making our planet way too hot to handle. Yet the fossil fuel lobby still holds our Prime Minister in its grubby hands. This week, Mr Turnbull made it crystal clear that he’s siding with Big Coal and against the vast majority of Australians who want a clean energy future. With state renewable energy targets firmly in the Turnbull Government’s sights, and the Murdoch press practically drooling over the thought of publicly-funded coal-fired power plants, we’ll need to be more vigilant than ever to defend the progress we’ve made.Sign the petition calling on State and Federal Governments to join the renewable energy revolution.

It’s going to take everything we’ve got to reclaim our government from the fossil fuel mafia. And it starts by reminding our politicians that the numbers are on our side. Let’s demonstrate public support for clean energy in numbers too big to ignore!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: GetUp!

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: A new Climate Council report has found the Federal Government is not only failing to lead on the transition to renewable energy, it is obstructing the rollout of renewable energy at a state and territory level.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Our Clean Energy Future