One Million Homes AEF

Since 2010, the One Million Homes Alliance of Victoria’s leading environmental, consumer and social sector organisations has been calling on government to set a clear goal to upgrade our housing stock to an average 5 star and 100 litre/person/day performance standard within ten years.
Retrofit 1 million homes


One Million Homes: MEFL is a partner in the One Million Homes Alliance.

Since 2010, the One Million Homes Alliance of Victoria’s leading environmental, consumer and social sector organisations has been calling on government to set a clear goal to upgrade our housing stock to an average 5 star and 100 litre/person/day performance standard within ten years. Our plan could be achieved through a mix of targeted assistance for home-owners in the lowest income bracket, as well as policy measures and financial incentives to assist all other home-owners and landlords invest in improvements. It’s practical, cost-effective and could be funded by the estimated $2.5 billion the government stands to save over the next 20 years from its energy concessions budget.

Executive Summary
In 2010 the Victorian Government has an opportunity to drive an historic change in the energy and water efficiency of Victoria’s existing residential properties. Now more than ever we need strong action to ensure Victoria’s greenhouse pollution starts falling, to generate green jobs, save water and deliver affordable energy and water bills to households struggling to cope with the rising costs of living. This report calls on all political parties this election year to commit to climate-proof One Million Homes – half of Victoria’s housing stock – with a comprehensive and flexible package of energy and water efficiency measures over the next five years. The One Million Homes program will primarily target concession card holders, including health care cards, pensioner concession cards and low-income health care cards. This ensures that those on a low income who are most vulnerable to energy and water price rises and least able to afford the upfront cost of energy and water efficiency measures benefit. It also ensures that elderly people and people with chronic health conditions –who are most vulnerable to extreme weather events like heatwaves – are prioritised.
Each retrofit will involve:
 A house visit and energy audit, including an assessment of the most effective energy and water efficiency measures; guidance for householders on how to use energy and water more efficiently; and referral to other relevant programs and efficiency opportunities.
 A suite of retrofit measures including efficient lighting, weather sealing, insulation, solar water heating, low-flow showerheads, tap-flow controllers and dual-flush toilets, and fridge upgrades as needed to complement those already in place in homes.
 Delivery by trusted organisations and businesses with the skills to work with households to ensure the safety and efficacy of the program.
The program will result in:
 A green makeover for one million homes with a comprehensive set of energy and water efficiency measures
 Greenhouse gas emissions reductions of roughly 2.38 million tonnes per year
 An estimated 32.5 billion litres of water savings each year
 Approximately 3000 to 6700 new direct jobs. Over 40 percent of these will be semi-skilled providing opportunities for disadvantaged job seekers
 Savings to household energy and water bills of roughly $296 per year (average) per household, and a saving of $296 million to the Victorian community at current energy and water prices
 Increased householder protection against heatwaves and the coldest days in winter
 Support for low income households and those suffering from energy hardship.

The program will cover different household types including owner-occupier, rental properties, and public and community housing. Targeted delivery mechanisms will be needed to ensure that the program meets the needs of different household types. The average cost of each comprehensive audit and retrofit is $2,570 per household. Therefore the total cost of the program is estimated at $2.57 billion over 5 years or $514 million per year. While the program will require considerable new investment from the State or Commonwealth Governments, significant funds are already on the table. For example, current (2010/11) Federal and Victorian rebate and incentive programs contribute up to $400 million in annual funding for efficiency measures in Victorian households. To maximise the benefits of One Million Homes it will be critical that the program complements existing and new programs and sets overarching policy goals. Importantly it should be supported by regulatory standards that require rental homes to meet acceptable minimum standards at the time of lease. In the past energy and water efficiency programs have been limited in scope or piecemeal in their delivery. The climate crisis we face, along with dwindling water supplies and growing household financial stress, demands that in 2010 we design and fund retrofit programs on a larger and deeper scale. The One Million Homes alliance has formed to advocate for new retrofit programs of sufficient scale to generate timely and lasting benefits to the environment and the community. By committing to retrofitting one million Victorian homes over the next five years, Victoria’s next government could create a lasting legacy of more efficient, comfortable and affordable homes for all Victorians.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Energy Foundation

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Victorian State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2010 to 2019

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: It is not clear through any search or review of the website on 4/4/2022 whether the goal of one million homes has been achieved nor what numbers they have reached.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


One Million Homes AEF