One million conversations to stop climate damage

This campaign called on supporters to run the community climate survey.
Pressure the government to act on cliamte change by showing public support through one million climate conversations


We are the people who will raise our voices and votes to protect our planet for the people we love. Climate damage stops with us. Here. Now.

Climate damage stops with us
Right across Australia, we’re growing a huge campaign for our planet and the people we love. Half a million people are already part of the ACF community. Our alliances reach even more! If we each talk to two people, that’s a million conversations already. Together, we can make stopping climate damage such a big election issue, our next government will have no choice but to step up and act. Here. Now. Not later. We’re talking to people everywhere and inspiring them to use their voices and votes. We will:
Move friends, family and neighbours through meaningful conversations in person and on social media
Survey people in key places where the vote is close so parties must compete on issues to get elected
Call voters at hundreds of volunteer calling parties to reach masses of people with personal conversations

Some useful reading:
TOOLKIT: How to host a community climate survey – a step by step guide
SURVEY: Get the latest script for the community climate survey conversation

UPDATE: What’s next for our climate election campaign?
Get involved: Conversations are powerful. People remember a genuine and personal conversation for months, even years! Let’s set the election agenda so stopping climate damage is a huge issue. Our voices will rumble from our communities all the way to Parliament House.
Raise our voices: We’re making sure politicians know just how many people we’re talking to. Together, we will:
Demonstrate this is a vote-changer by showing all parties how many people care in each electorate
Call on candidates to step up and push their parties to stop climate damage and shift to clean energy
Make this campaign visible in streets and in the media to get people talking and show this is a major issue
Use our votes: Together, we’ll tell people how the parties compare so they know what they’re really voting for. We’ll:
Rate the parties’ policies in an independent scorecard to help voters make informed choices
Flood key electorates with huge billboards, digital ads and volunteer door-knockers to share the verdict
Stand at polling booths across the country to remind people to vote for our planet and the people we love

So let’s get to work. Download your community climate survey host kit. Join or host a local conversation event!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Conservation Foundation

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Australian government, general public

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2018 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: The outcome is unable to be assessed as it is not clear how many people downloaded the host kit or took action as part of the campaign

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


One million conversations to stop climate damage