Offshore Oil and Gas

This campaign stands against the expansionist plans of the offshore fossil fuel industry in our oceans. "Seismic blasting has been proposed in the whale-rich waters off the Otways and Tasmanian west coast, the iconic Kimberley coast, and even the waters off NSW from Sydney to Port Stephens. Offshore oil and gas have plans to expand to one of the last intact tropical marine environments in the world – off Australia’s Top End"
Stand up against the expansionist plans of the offshore fossil fuel industry in our oceans.


The impacts of offshore oil and gas on our marine environment are hard to fathom. From seismic blasts deafening whales and dolphins to the destruction of small marine life. There is a threat of oil spills from rigs and ships involved in the drilling and shipping of these polluting fossil fuels. Offshore oil and gas damages our oceans, our wildlife and our coastal communities. No new gas starts with us. Right now, the oil and gas industry is expanding around Australia.

Seismic blasting has been proposed in the whale-rich waters off the Otways and Tasmanian west coast, the iconic Kimberley coast, and even the waters off NSW from Sydney to Port Stephens. Offshore oil and gas have plans to expand to one of the last intact tropical marine environments in the world – off Australia’s Top End.

The proposed expansion of the offshore oil and gas industry in our southeast waters to the north west of our vast continent is threatening the future of our oceans, critical whale migration routes and marine ecosystems found nowhere else in the world. No New Gas starts with us. Help us stand up against the expansionist plans of the offshore fossil fuel industry in our oceans.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Marine Conservation Society

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Individuals

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2023 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Offshore Oil and Gas