Ocean Policy

The Australian Marine Conservation Society has worked hard to see this overarching policy developed to guide the wise use and care of Australia’s marine environments. Now that the policy is in place, we continue to campaign for its effective implementation in all jurisdictions.
Effective implementation o Oceans Policy in all jurisdictions


The Australian Marine Conservation Society has worked hard to see this overarching policy developed to guide the wise use and care of Australia’s marine environments. Now that the policy is in place, we continue to campaign for its effective implementation in all jurisdictions. A key element of Oceans Policy is to develop Regional Marine Plans. Regional Marine Plans are a new way of integrating the management of all sectors that use Australia’s oceans and ensuring that their individual activities are managed within an ‘ecosystem-based’ management framework. Put simply, Regional Marine Plans should help to streamline management processes and ensure that the needs of Australia’s marine environment come before the needs of any one user group.

Oceans 11.
In mid 2003 conservation groups around Australia united to prepare a blueprint for achieving sustainable oceans. Oceans eleven is a blueprint for achieving integrated oceans management. A marine plan for Australia’s south eastern region is the first marine plan to be developed and has not yet been finalised. AMCS is campaigning to see that the needs of the south east regions unique and vulnerable marine environments are put first in the plan, and in particular that at its centre, an effective network of no-take sea sanctuaries are established across the region.

South East Regional Marine Plan (SERMP)
A marine plan for Australia’s south eastern region is the first marine plan to be developed and has not yet been finalised. AMCS is campaigning to see that the needs of the south east regions unique and vulnerable marine environments are put first in the plan, and in particular that at its centre, an effective network of no-take sea sanctuaries are established across the region.

Northern Regional Marine Plan
Northern Regional Marine Plan: The second plan to be developed and currently underway, there are great hopes that Australia’s Northern Regional Marine Plan will help protect our little understood northern marine environments and ensure that the aspirations of indigenous peoples, who manage much of Northern Australia’s coastline, are fairly integrated into this special plan.

Northern Regional Marine Plan update.
• Key Conservation Issues in the Northern Marine Planning Area A Summary
• Key Conservation Issues in the Northern Marine Planning Area Full Report (722 Kb pdf)

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Marine Conservation Society

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2003 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Ocean Policy