Nuclear Waste Dumps

This campaign targeted SA premier Jay Weatherill around nuclear waste dumps in SA.
Stop the national nuclear waste dump proposal for the Flinders Ranges


Rally: Dump the Dump Fri 2 Dec, Robyn Wood, November 30, 2016: The Anti-nuclear Coalition invite you to the rally.

The Dump is Dumped!
Last hurrah for the Dump – for this year anyway. Join us for some large-scale street theatre! (The more of you who come and bring friends, the larger the scale!) Let’s make a really strong statement this coming Friday evening – tell Jay in no uncertain terms that “No” means “No – not now, not ever.” Tell him that his nuclear waste dump is indeed “dead and buried”. We will ceremonially, with all pomp and circumstance, consign it to the bin!

Parliament House steps, Friday 2nd December, 5.45 (for 6 o’clock start)
Regina McKenzie will speak on the Fed Govt’s Dump at Barndioota in the Flinders Ranges. The ACF has just pronounced Regina as a co-winner of this year’s Rawlinson Award for outstanding leadership in her efforts for Indigenous and environmental justice in her region. Wear and bring all your anti-Dump clothing, placards, flags and banners, plus Govt propaganda to be binned. Drums and bodhrans would be good. We will come together to celebrate the power of people standing collectively, to celebrate Country and our desire that it not be desecrated, and to ceremonially consign the Proposal, the Royal Commission report and all the government’s propaganda to history. (We’d like to burn it, but suspect the authorities wouldn’t be too happy with a fire on Parlt House steps. Instead we ask that you bring copies of the report and the Know Nuclear propaganda, and throw it into a yellowcake drum.)

Obviously, we know that the proposal is not really dead – Jay has just taken the heat out of the situation for now. We know:
• the proposal is still on the table and there will be very strong forces pushing it behind the scenes; the Government has accepted the RC recommendations to encourage the expansion of uranium exploration and mining in SA, and to promote further investigation into nuclear power;
• the Federal Govt’s proposed dump at Barndioota is still on the agenda, despite the opposition of the Adnyamathanha people, and other local residents.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Friends of the Earth Adelaide

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: State and Federal governments

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Nuclear Waste Dumps