Nuclear Free NT ECNT

This campaign focused on making NT nuclear free and opposing uranium mining.
Immediate closure and accelerated rehabilitation of Ranger uranium mine


Nuclear Free NT: We’re working to see the Territory become nuclear free. Australia’s nuclear industry is dangerous, expensive and creates long-lived radioactive waste that has the potential to end up in nuclear weapons. Our team advocates for a nuclear free future for the Territory, and promote alternative options to the exploration, mining, transport and dumping of radioactive materials. In the Territory we face a range of nuclear developments, our three key Nuclear Free NT campaigns are:
• Phasing out uranium mining within the Kakadu region
• Stopping the development of a radioactive waste dump in the NT
• Rehabilitating the contaminated Rum Jungle uranium mine region.

We will also continue sharing nuclear information and engaging internationally with those affected through the nuclear chain from mines to weapons and waste. Please read on to find information about nuclear developments in the NT and the ways the Environment Centre NT engages with them. We are working hard with Indigenous Traditional Owners, unions, health professionals, governments, fishermen, and others in the community to rid the Territory of the threats posed by mining, processing, transporting and storing uranium and its waste products. In 1983, the Environment Centre NT was borne through community opposition to Ranger Uranium Mine, and the desire for Kakadu National Park to be established free from the threat of uranium mining. Over three decades, we have highlighted the risks to the environment, human health and Indigenous communities from this controversial and risky industry.

We continue our strong support of the Mirarr Traditional Owners of Kakadu in their campaign to stop Jabiluka uranium mine. Together, we’ve exposed the spills, leaks and infrastructure failings at Ranger Uranium Mine. We continue to confront miner Energy Resources of Australia (ERA), and majority owner Rio Tinto, about ERA’s poor water management and failure to honour its previous commitments to shut its old and problem-plagued mine. And we scrutinise the way the Australian and Territory governments treat the mine, highlighting regulatory capture, lack of transparency, and a permissive approach to oversight.

We worked with Mirarr to support their blockade of Jabiluka in 2003, which led to Rio Tinto agreeing to place the mine in care and maintenance mode in the absence of Mirrar support for the mine. Mirrar remain steadfastly opposed to the mine. We’ve supported Djok clan member Jeffrey Lee in his extremely generous and principled decision to oppose uranium at the Konngarra project area inside Kakadu. His decision to have the area added to Kakadu, thereby turning his back on millions of dollars of roylaties offered to him by uranium miner Areva, is one of the most altruistic and far sighted conservation actions ever taken by an Australian. And since 2006, we’ve opposed plans by Australian Governments – both Liberal and Labor – to dump nuclear waste at Muckaty Station north of Tennant Creek. By supporting Indigenous traditional owners of Muckaty who are opposed to the dump we’ve highlighted the failure of both Liberal and Labor governments to properly consult with the owners and gain their free, prior and informed consent to the dump. Together with our colleagues at the Arid Lands Environment Centre we successfully opposed the Angela Pamela uranium mine planned by Cameco for a site just 23km southeast of Alice Springs. Our staff and volunteers have focussed Australia’s attention on the risks to the Territory, particularly Darwin Harbour, from radioactive contamination should yellowcake or nuclear waste be spilled during transport.

Anti-Nuclear NT Collective – ANNT: ANNT is a dynamic Darwin based collective that focuses on nuclear developments in the NT. ANNT campaigns against the nuclear industry because of concerning treatment of indigenous people, its contribution to nuclear weapons proliferation risks, and its long-term environmental impacts. ANNT campaigns to promote clean, sustainable energy solutions to climate change. The ANNT Collective meets fortnightly, holds great events, info nights, stalls and goes on cool field trips to experience the nuclear industry first hand. If you’re concerned about NT nuclear issues and want to get involved, there is heaps you can do. Get involved with the ANNT Collective: Contact Cat Beaton, Nuclear Free NT Campaigner: 08 8981 1984 / [email protected] or

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Environment Centre NT

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Rio Tinto

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 1983 to 2019

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Nuclear Free NT ECNT