Nuclear Free NT ALEC

This is ALEC's broader campaign to oppose nuclear in NT: In partnership with local, Territory and National groups, ALEC continues to gauge nuclear happenings in Central Australia, and when needed disemminate information and support local community groups to run campaigns.
A Nuclear Free NT


ALEC strongly supports the concept of a Nuclear Free NT. The nuclear industry has opponents all over the world and has a toxic legacy that includes contentious mine sites, nuclear accidents, poor waste desposal methods and it is part of the deadly global arms industry. The recent Fukushima Reactor meltdown as a result of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, has only further highlighted the dangers of the nuclear industry. Despite public concerns there is an unprecedented level of uranium exploration going on in the Northern Territory. The state also hosts the active Ranger Uranium Mine and is the nominated state to host the National Nuclear Waste Management Facility.

In partnership with local, Territory and National groups, ALEC continues to gauge nuclear happenings in Central Australia, and when needed disemminate information and support local community groups to run campaigns. ALEC campaigned successfully against the Angela Pamela uranium project alongside other local groups including; Families for a Nuclear Future, the Alice Springs Angela Pamela Collective, the Stop Angela Pamela Coalition, Public Health Association Australia – NT, Medical Association for the Prevention of War and the Environment Centre NT. However despite Angela Pamela being on the backburner for now, with a change in Government in the NT it could possibly be a viable prospect again. Vigilence is needed and ongoing.

ALEC provides organisational support to the Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI), a partnership between the Australian Conservation Foundation and Friends of the Earth Australia and funded by the Poola and other donors. BNI works closely with Traditional Owners and national partners to oppose the remote dumping of nuclear waste in desert Australia. ALEC stands on the frontline for a nuclear-free future and joins millions across the world taking action against this toxic, dangerous and unnecessary industry.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Arid Lands Environment Centre

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Nuclear industry

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2012 to 2014

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Nuclear Free NT ALEC