Nuclear Free Campaign

The Nuclear free working group is currently campaigning around the expansion of uranium mining, the PR spin of nuclear as an answer to climate change, and attempts to dump the world’s radioactive waste on Indigenous communities in Central Australia.
Stop the expansion of uranium mining and attempts to dump the world’s radioactive waste on Indigenous communities in Central Australia.


The Nuclear free working group is currently campaigning around the expansion of uranium mining, the PR spin of nuclear as an answer to climate change, and attempts to dump the world’s radioactive waste on Indigenous communities in Central Australia. Our 2009 Campaign Objectives:
• To have an ASEN Nuclear-Free campaign with people that work on nuclear-free goals together.
• Ensure the repeal of the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act 2005 in early 2009.
• End the current assessment of four Northern Territory sites for a national nuclear dump.
• Continue to build relationships and work with local Traditional Owners, and Aboriginal people affected by and struggling against the nuclear industry by participating in the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance and working groups and collaborating with the campaign to rollback the NT intervention.
• Work to reinstate uranium mining moratorium in WA and keep the moratorium in Queensland.
• Support student activists in South Australia to build collectives and campaign against the expansion of the nuclear industry there.
• Engage and educate students and the broader community for a nuclear-free future through events, resources and actions.

Our past and current projects include: A research paper and broadsheet highlighting the connection between Universities and the nuclear industry, campaigning against uranium mining and waste-dumping, a successful campaign to stop the development of a Nuclear Industry research centre at University of Technology Sydney.
• Indigenous Solidarity and Anti Nuclear Broadsheet (O-week 08)
• Our 2007 report Opportunities To Waste: Australian Universities and the Nuclear Industry, detailing the role of Australian universities in supporting the nuclear industry
• Join the E-list:

State Contacts
• SA: Amanda, [email protected]
• WA: Ania, [email protected]
• VIC:
• NSW: Angie, [email protected]
• NT:
Latest News: we are not no-one, this is not nowhere.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2009 to 2022

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Nuclear Free Campaign