National Rally for Renewables

2,000 renewable energy workers, businesses, solar owners and supporters descended on electorate offices in every state and territory around the country today to protest the Federal Government’s attempt to hurt jobs and families by attacking the Renewable Energy Target.
Protest the Federal Government’s attempt to hurt jobs and families by attacking the Renewable Energy Target


Rally for renewables brings thousands to politicians’ doors. Posted by Andrew Campbell on September 29, 2014. 2,000 renewable energy workers, businesses, solar owners and supporters descended on electorate offices in every state and territory around the country today to protest the Federal Government’s attempt to hurt jobs and families by attacking the Renewable Energy Target. “Renewables are driving investment, creating jobs, and helping people take control of their power bills,” said Kane Thornton, Clean Energy Council Acting Chief Executive.

“Australians will accept nothing less than full support for the Renewable Energy Target, with no cuts.” “The Target will create at least another 18,000 jobs in solar and renewables by 2020 if it’s kept in place,” said John Grimes, Australian Solar Council Chief Executive Officer. “Today’s turnout around our nation shows how important the Target is to ordinary Australians,” said Solar Citizens Campaigns Director Claire O’Rourke. “Any cuts to the Target will increase the cost of rooftop solar by up to 50 per cent, putting it out of reach of ordinary Australian households.”

“Australians want more solar not less – and there are 2 million homes across the country with solar on the rooftop – that’s millions of solar voters.” “If the government kills the Target it will deliver a windfall to the big power companies over the next 15 years but households will continue to pay more,” said Brian England, National Chair of the Solar Energy Industries Association. “Wind energy has been a boon for regional Australia, delivering income to local communities and providing much-needed jobs,” said Andrew Bray, National Coordinator of the Australian Wind Alliance. “Cutting the Target now would threaten billions of dollars of investment in regional Australia at a time when the jobs outlook is very shaky.” The event marked the first time Solar Citizens, the Clean Energy Council, Australian Solar Council, the Solar Energy Industry Association and the Australian Wind Alliance have united to protest the unprecedented attacks on renewable jobs, growth and investment. For more information please contact Holly Crocket on 0413 343 329.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Solar Citizens

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2014 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: It is not clear what the goals or targets of the campaign are

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


National Rally for Renewables