Narrabri gas campaign

Hundreds of submissions to the Independent Planning Commission failed to prevent the expansion of Coal Seam Gas mining in Pilliga area by mining giant Santos.
Prevent the expansion of Coal Seam Gas mining in Pilliga area by mining giant Santos


The NSW Government recommended approval of an 850-well coal seam gas field in the Pilliga forest wilderness and farmland near Narrabri – the largest temperate forest we have left in the state. Turning it into an industrial gas field will poison groundwater, carve up the forest with roads and pipelines, endanger koalas and other threatened species, and increase the risk of wildfires. Hundreds of submissions to the Independent Planning Commission failed to prevent the expansion of Coal Seam Gas mining in Pilliga area by mining giant Santos.

Narrabri gas campaign
Update January 2021: The Environmental Defenders Office has just launched a court challenge over the approval of this project in north west NSW, on behalf of the Mullaley Gas and Pipeline Accord (MGPA). MGPA will argue the IPC failed to properly assess the climate impacts from this project and didn’t assess the impacts from the transmission pipeline Santos will have to build to make the project viable. Read more …
Update September 2020: The Independent Planning Commission approved this project (with over 300 conditions) in spite of over 20,000 submissions against it. The campaign is not yet over.

The NSW Government has recommended approval of an 850-well coal seam gas field in the Pilliga forest wilderness and farmland near Narrabri. This represents an enormous expansion of NSW gas extraction (4 times the size of previously approved CSG projects in NSW). The Pilliga is the largest temperate forest we have left in the state. Turning it into an industrial gas field will poison groundwater, carve up the forest with roads and pipelines, endanger koalas and other threatened species, and increase the risk of wildfires. Encourage the Independent Planning Commission to decide against expansion of Coal Seam Gas mining in Pilliga area by mining giant Santos. Make your submission by August 10.
• Click for CCBR Submission 22-7-20
• Click for CCBR Fact Sheet
• Click for Narrabri IPC webinar resources

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Change Balmain Rozelle

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2019 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Narrabri gas campaign