Marine Protection

This campaign focuses on Marine National Parks in Australia. "Marine National Parks - like national parks on land, help protect our ocean life and the habitats they call home."
More marine sanctuaries


Marine Protected Areas, often called marine parks in Australia, are areas of the ocean set aside to protect and restore marine biodiversity. Marine sanctuaries are highly protected areas within marine parks – free from activities like mining and fishing – that are fundamental for ensuring the future of our oceans. Our oceans are overused and underprotected. Add your voice today to call for more marine sanctuaries.

Marine National Parks – like national parks on land, help protect our ocean life and the habitats they call home. Marine national parks are areas created to protect the ocean’s rich diversity of life. They allow fish to spawn and grow, provide unspoilt natural sites for people to visit and offer areas for education and research. Marine national parks also offer a way to protect vulnerable marine species such as turtles, dolphins and dugongs and the habitats they depend on such as sea grasses, coral reefs and mangroves. We all stand to benefit from better protected coast and seas. Marine national parks act as an insurance policy, and help us to provide a lasting legacy for future generations. Scientists recommend that at least 20-30% of each marine habitat must be fully protected in marine national parks to help ensure our oceans are healthy and productive.
Click on the map to find out more in your State 
Australian States. To find out about marine national parks in your state click on the links below or simply click on the map.
New South Wales
South Australia
Northern Territory
Western Australia
Why do we need Marine National Parks?
As fishing pressure on our fragile oceans intensifies, marine national parks will help us to ensure our marine resources are used in a sustainable manner so they can thrive into the future. The Society’s work is focused on securing a network of marine national parks throughout Australia’s oceans.

Are all Marine Parks fully protected?
No. There are many different types of marine parks. ‘Marine national parks’, also known as ‘marine reserves’, ‘green zones’ and ‘sanctuary zones’, are areas that provide full protection for all marine wildlife and habitats found within. Marine parks or multiple use marine parks are a different management tool as they can be zoned to incorporate a range of uses including fishing, mining and collecting. Marine National Parks provide the best level of protection and are essential to the long-term health of Australia’s oceans.

Benefits of ‘Marine National Parks’
Scientific studies conducted both in Australia and overseas show that large marine national parks, in particular, support a higher diversity and abundance of marine life than surrounding areas. This is largely because fishing is removed from those areas. If properly designed and large enough, marine national parks provide refuges where fish can grow to maturity and breed, creating a “spill over” effect, populating surrounding areas.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Marine Conservation Society

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Marine Protection