Marine Conservation TCT

Various campaigns for marine conservation: rock lobsters, fish farms, seal slaughters.
Stop the spread of the sea urchin, better management of Tasmania's fish farms, stop the seal slaughter


Marine ecosystems on Tasmania’s east coast are under threat from the Centrostephanus sea urchin. Over-fishing of its key predator, the large Rock Lobster, and increasingly warmer waters caused by climate change have allowed this species to proliferate and spread further south. If left uncontrolled Centrostephanus will remove all of the kelp from a rocky reef. It does not come back and the impact may be permanent. This destroys the habitat of juvenile Rock Lobsters and Abalone and virtually all other native species.

– ROCK LOBSTER CRISIS: Destroying rocky reef habitats is causing a crisis for the rock lobster fishery as well as being an environmental disaster. The Rock Lobster fishery is the most valuable of Tasmania’s wild fisheries and it is a species highly prized by many Tasmanian recreational fishers. But across most of Tasmania’s east coast it has become virtually impossible to catch. With your help we can stop the spread of the sea urchin and prevent further decline in rocky reef habitat. We can ensure Rock Lobster exist for future generations.
— BETTER MANAGEMENT OF TASMANIA’S FISH FARMS: Tasmania has a large number of inshore fish farms that produce Atlantic Salmon and Ocean Trout. Faecal waste drifts out of the fish farms, along with excess nutrient feed. This causes a range of issues including de-oxygenation of the water and local environmental pollution. This pollutes areas of Tasmania’s coastline, damaging valuable habitat and introducing disease into native fish stocks.
– STOP THE SEAL SLAUGHTER: Fish farm pens attract seals, Fish farmers can acquire permits to kill these seals. We are calling for an immediate ban on killing and relocating seals, and for farmers to install seal exclusion devices.
– IMPACTS ON RECREATIONAL FISHING AND BOATING: Fish farms currently occupy waterways that are prime locations for recreational fishing and boating. The farms impact Tasmania’s naturally beautiful waterways, that are an important part of local communities and tourist experiences.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Tasmanian Conservation Trust

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Not stated

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Marine Conservation TCT