Make Solar Thermal Happen in Port Augusta

Over the last five years the Port Augusta community has strongly advocated for solar thermal to replace its old coal fired power station. But we need leadership from the South Australian Government to make it happen. Will you email your State Government MP and Members of the Legislative Council and tell them to make solar thermal in Port Augusta the next step in SA's renewable revolution?
Make Solar Thermal Happen in Port Augusta


South Australia leads the country in renewable energy. Building solar thermal at Port Augusta should be the next step in SA’s renewable power upgrade, providing new jobs and on-demand clean power.

Over the last five years the Port Augusta community has strongly advocated for solar thermal to replace its old coal fired power station [1]. But we need leadership from the South Australian Government to make it happen. Right now, the SA Government is looking for solutions following the closure of the Port Augusta coal station. Will you email your State Government MP and Members of the Legislative Council and tell them to make solar thermal in Port Augusta the next step in SA’s renewable revolution? [1] Port Augusta ‘busting a gut’ to reinvent itself as a solar city when coal-fired power is switched off, The Guardian, 24 March 2016. Email your South Australian government representatives.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Solar Citizens

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: South Australian Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2011 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: **2019 Update: Sadly, SolarReserve—the company in charge of building the solar thermal plant near Port Augusta—was unable to secure the remaining finance for this important project. This is a devastating result after a five year people-powered community campaign, which saw then-Premier Jay Weatherill announce the SA Government's support for the 150-megawatt power plant.**

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Make Solar Thermal Happen in Port Augusta