Law Students Network

This campaign aims to provide a forum to provide support for each other, and to provide support for other law students wanting to work for social and environmental justice in the legal system.
Provide a network for students wanting to work for social and environmental justice in the legal system.


PLEASE note that this web site is still being constructed, so some of the pages have not yet been put up. All contributions are welcome.

At the 1997 national student environment conference (“Students and Sustainability”), a group of law students got together and decided to form a national network. Many of the students in that group felt isolated in the legal environment and frustrated with the legal system, especially in the way that it has responded to the global environmental crisis. The group of students were unanimous in wanting a forum to provide support for each other, and to provide support for other law students wanting to work for social and environmental justice in the legal system. Since that time, the goals of the network have expanded.
The aims of NELSnet are (at present)
• to attempt to bridge the gap between the community and the legal system
• to encourage the involvement of law students in striving for social and environmental justice
• to initiate a framework whereby law students can connect with other environmentally conscious law students
• to provide an forum for discussions about the role of the law in relation to the environment
• to provide a voice for law students to express their hopes for green and socially just employment
• to advocate legal reform to acheive the legal framework for a sustainable society

The following links on the network attempt to facillitate these aims.
• campaign pages
• activist handbook and standard police procedures
• answers to commonly asked questions
• how to make a complaint to the Ombudsman

Legal Advice and Litigation
• how to get legal opinions
• how to get a court action happening

Student Stuff
• green jobs for lawyers
• environmental law reform
• student environmental law essays
• landmark cases

Legal organisations and events
• events
• links with environmental law groups

DISCLAIMER: Most of the information on this site is put up by law students, community groups and individuals. No claims as to the factual information of this site are made by NELSnet. WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED LAWYERS. Our opinions, as law students, are only to provide guidance and direction.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2000 to 2004

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Law Students Network