Kintyre Uranium Proposal

This campaign opposed the Kintyre uranium mine.
No Uranium Mine at Kintyre


Kintyre was cut out of WA’s biggest National Park in 1994. The area still has National Park values – this proposal threatens an intricate desert water network and a number of endangered and vulnerable species including the rock wallaby, mulgara, marsupial mole, bilby and quoll. Uranium is uneconomic, unsafe and unwanted. The risks far outweigh any rewards. STATUS: NO FINAL APPROVAL – NOT OPERATING. In March 2015 the WA Environment Minister gave conditional approval to the Kintyre uranium mine. In April 2015 the Federal Environment Minister gave conditional approval. The uranium mine proposal is currently on hold because of the low uranium price. There is still a whole suite of assessments that the company has to go through and a few dozen conditions they would need to meet before any mining could occur. This proposal is still a long way off.

• Buy one of the limited edition “Kalyu” prints by 9 Martu artists part of raising funds for the campaign.
• Check out the Joint Statement oppossing the Kintyre and Yeelirrie uranium mines – from the Parnngurr community and Leonora Community to Cameco Shareholders here
• Find out about Cameco’s track record here (UPDATED 2016) Read CCWA summary of issues with the Kintyre proposal here Share this page on social media with the hashtag #stopkintyre Sign the Uranium Free Charter
• Call your local Labor Member or your local Labor Candidate – ask them to commit to reintroduce the ban on uranium mining in 2017
• Donate to our fighting fund – to help us get legal advice and air radio ads in some key seats Write letters to your local paper about why you’ll be voting for a nuclear free future at the next election
• Sign up to the weekly news bulletin to stay in touch on the last events, actions and news here

Kintyre is on the edge of the great Great Sandy Desert and the Little Sandy Desert, it is on the boundary of (and should still be included in) the Karlamilyi National Park. Kintyre was excised from the Karlamilyi National Park (Rudall River) in 1994 – to allow for future mining. Canadian company Cameco, and JV parter Mitsubishi, have an active application to mine uranium at Kintyre. They don’t yet have any environmental approvals. Cameco are also the new owners of the proposed Yeelirrie uranium mine. The extraordinary risks of uranium mining are made worse due to the sensitive location of the Kintyre uranium deposit. The proposed Kintyre uranium mine could substantially impact on the Karlamilyi National Park and the Rudall River catchment area. The project area is in the watershed for the Rudall River and plays a significant role in the ecological processes of the Karlamilyi National Park. The area includes permanent water holes, ephemeral rivers and salt lakes. This is also a significant paleodrainage channel region with the Rudall River, Yantakuji Creek, Coolbro Creek, Watrara Creek, and Rooney Creek- ephemeral creeks and rivers. This area has high levels of local endemism and is home to 257 fauna species – including a number of critically endangered, vulnerable and priority species.

• Public Environment Review (PER) companies mine proposal here
• Our Submission into the Public Environment Review here
• EPA and Company response to Submissions here
• Our Appeal here
• Appeal Convenors Report here
• State Minister Conditional Approval here State Minister Reason for decision here Federal Minister Conditional Approval here.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Conservation Council of Western Australia

Who this Campaign is Targeting: WA State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2014 to 2018

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Kintyre Uranium Proposal