Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic

This current stage of our campaign to protect our area focuses on raising awareness and sending a clear united "no" message to our shire council and the State Government.
Raising awareness and sending a clear united "no" message


Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic is a volunteer group, made up of residents and supporters opposed to the industrialisation of our region. We believe farming, tourism and industry – including some extractive – can co-exist, if each respects and minimises the impacts on the other. This current stage of our campaign to protect our area focuses on raising awareness and sending a clear united “no” message to our shire council and the State Government.

Our campaign costs are high, but we believe essential:
Raising awareness – we have produced an information brochure, which has been distributed to most 16,000 homes across the shire (only Tamborine, and Rathdowney, areas are still to receive brochures). Brochure drops have been followed by public information sessions in Boonah and Beaudesert, both attended by hundreds of concerned residents and in the next few months will be followed up with a larger meeting, to include speakers from the resource and agriculture industry, farmers and landholders already affected and legal experts.

United opposition – as a highly visible sign of opposition to coal and coal seam gas, we have also printed thousands of signs and stickers . Released only a few weeks ago, these are spreading quickly on gates across our shire and are an effective way of reassuring neighbours that you also share concerns, as well as sending a united message to the our Council and the State Government. Our Protestors on Peaks event – part of a national day of action on October 16, 2011, will also help raise awareness and show strong united opposition. This is a costly, but essential, exercise to help to protect our region, our lifestyle, our business’ and our children’s heritage.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Shire Council and NSW State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: It is unclear whether they raised awareness or sent a united message

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Keep the Scenic Rim Scenic