Join our call to protect our food supply

This campaign targeted governments and industry to take action on climate change in order to ensure stable supply chains.
Sign up today to join our farmer movement


Sign up today to join our farmer movement – together we’re calling on governments and industry to back strong climate policies that protect our farmers by keeping supply chains operating and getting food from our farms to shops. In recent months, two major disruptions – floods and COVID – have converged to break down our supply chains, leading to more expensive farm inputs, disrupted transport and struggles getting farm produce into supermarkets. If climate change continues unchecked, multiple large-scale disruptions occurring at the same time will become common. Farmers can adapt and we will continue to, but we’re already copping it and adaptation can only go so far in the face of extreme climate events. Farmers for Climate Action has released the Fork in the Road report, which shows that climate change is driving up the price of food and making farming more difficult and unpredictable.

The report says that climate change is cutting food production, disrupting transport and increasing pests and diseases, making life even more uncertain for farmers. Bank loans and insurance are becoming harder to get, and more expensive. All of this makes climate change a serious food security issue – on our current path, we could regularly see empty supermarket shelves. You can help us make this a national priority for politicians and businesses all the way through the food supply chain, by joining our movement of farmers and regional leaders.

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Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Farmers for Climate Action

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Join our call to protect our food supply