Join our call for Plastic Free Festivals

A big new step in our #BYOBottle campaign today: we’re calling on 5 of Australia’s biggest festivals to ditch disposables and go plastic bottle free – can you SIGN OUR OPEN LETTER today?
Get five of Australia’s leading music festival on board with #BYOBottle


Help us get five of Australia’s leading music festival on board with #BYOBottle. A big new step in our #BYOBottle campaign today: we’re calling on 5 of Australia’s biggest festivals to ditch disposables and go plastic bottle free – can you SIGN OUR OPEN LETTER today? We’ve chosen these five festivals carefully. Byron Bay Bluesfest, The Falls, Groovin the Moo, Laneway and Splendour in the Grass are all very big festivals with a major impact. But they’re also all thoughtful members of our music scene. We’re in conversation with all of them already, and we believe that each of them, in their own way, is getting ready to move.

But, for a huge event, it’s a big and somewhat confronting step to choose to go plastic bottle free. They need support and encouragement from artists and from punters, reassuring them that we’ll back their move, that we want them to do it! These festivals recognise the horrible impact on the environment from throw-away plastic bottles. They’ve seen the photos of dead birds, as we all have. They’ve grappled with the vast piles of rubbish. They know they have to act. They’ve seen the leadership of festivals like Caloundra Music Festival, Illawarra, Woodford and THE PLOT. And they’re willing to follow suit. As long as we help.

We’re asking them to do something pretty big. But what we’re asking you to do is super easy. All you need to do is sign the open letter!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Green Music

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Music Festivals

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Join our call for Plastic Free Festivals