Historic win to end native forest logging

DCAN participated in campaigns to end native forest logging in Victoria
To end native forest logging in Victoria.


The State Government’s announcement to shut down the native forest logging industry six years earlier than scheduled was a welcome relief to the many campaigners who had fought for decades on this issue. As a member of the Victorian Forest Alliance we helped out with letterboxing and providing information to the community on the critical link between climate and the need to protect our remaining native forests. Some of our supporters also put themselves on the front line in the forest to protest against logging. We congratulate all the forest campaigners who have fought so long and hard for the protection of native forests. Much work continues however to ensure that unique biodiversity is not destroyed via loopholes such as salvaging operations in already depleted forests devastated by fire. The enactment this year of harsh, anti-protest laws involving significant fines and jail sentences for peaceful forest protectors also remains very concerning. It’s an issue we will continue to pursue with state MPs.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Darebin Climate Action Now

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Victorian Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2023 to 2023

Campaign Outcome:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Historic win to end native forest logging