High Schools Outreach

This campaign helps students to start up their own campaigns and intiatives at their schools, and help them to organise together.
Achieve a generation wide movement for environmental action


New working group to coordinate outreach into high schools.
• doing workshops at schools, helping students to start up their own campaigns and intiatives at their schools, help them to organise together. lots of kids care, help them work out how to empower and organise themselves.
• keep in touch with high school students we’ve met with and the collectives they set up. continue to support them, to get them in touch with each other and with us.
• environmental education and ongoing support to high students and collectives working towards an environmentally sustainable and just future. We want to be instrumental in helping to achieve a generation wide movement for environmental action.

Since SoS 08 this working group has grown and gained a lot of energy. We now have conveners in 4 states: Joe in WA, Shani on QLD, Lisa in NSW and Sam in Vic. We are working closely with organisers working on the Swtiched on Schools program of the AYCC (Australian Youth Climate Coalition). Our past and current projects include: organising and running environment conferences for high schools aged youth as local and state levels (eg. Switched On climate conference in the Blue Mountains late 2007 and LEAP in Melbourne). Set up on-going support for high school kids wanting to be active through buddying them up with local uni enviro collective peoples. Developing resources relevant to High Schools students, including web based.

• Join the E-list: [email protected]
• Or Contact: Jarra [email protected] or lisa [email protected]

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Student Environment Network

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2009 to 2012

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


High Schools Outreach