
The GoWestGoGreen campaign by Greenfleet supports Go West Tours to improve the environment and play their part in tackling climate change.
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Going green with Go West Tours. Go West Tours is a leading tour operator in Melbourne delivering guests of all ages and cultures to the magnificent sights of Victoria. A dedicated team with a strong customer focus makes each and every tour a unique, entertaining and interactive experience. Go West Tours are also supporting the environment and playing their part in tackling climate change.

A supporter of Greenfleet since 2005, Go West Tours have continued to acknowledge their responsibility to the environment and delivering sustainable tours by offsetting their fleet’s carbon emissions with Greenfleet. It is thanks to organisations like Go West Tours that we are able to pursue our mission to protect our climate by restoring our forests. As a day tour operator, Go West Tours are strong advocates for the preservation of the wonders of the Victorian outdoors. They are amongst many organisations that have recognised that the unique Australian landscape is truly one of a kind and without the ongoing support to our environment, the ability to showcase Australia will come to an end.

“We are highly aware that tourism in Australia is dominated by nature-based experiences, rather than man-made ones. The preservation of the environment is therefore essential in our business and other tourism businesses,” said Terry, Managing Director and Owner of Go West Tours. “We want our generation to be able to pass on a healthy planet to our kids & grandkids.” Terry went on to say, “We think it’s important to recognise that in operating a fleet of vehicles, using current technology we inevitably produce a significant amount of carbon dioxide and we feel that offsetting this through the sustainable planting of forests is important in being a responsible member of the community,”. Go West Tours are taking their environmental commitment further by looking into better practices to lessen their total environmental footprint. “The vast majority of our waste is recycled, but we’d love to eliminate our landfill waste altogether in the coming years,” explained Terry.

“Many of our guests have demonstrated a level of environmental concern and are very interested in the messages that we provide about the Australian environment in the course of our tours,” added Terry. Therefore, Go West Tours have taken to social media to promote their support of Greenfleet and to invite their customers to play their part. For every photo taken during a Go West tour uploaded to Instagram and tagged with #GoWestGoGreen, Go West Tours will donate $1 donation to Greenfleet (that is on top of their regular carbon offset donation) up to $500. We are really excited about this campaign! Protecting the environment is a global phenomenon and restoring our Planet is becoming a focus for individuals, organisations, communities and countries. To date, Go West Tours offset donations have planted more than 1,900 trees! Thanks to the team at Go West Tours for making this environmental commitment and making a real difference.

Individuals and organisations that choose to actively support our environment is what Greenfleet is all about; supporting each other and working together is creating real climate action. This is why we hired a bus through Go West Tours to transport a number of our tree planting volunteers in August this year. While Go West Tours offer much more than just transportation from A to B, we knew that we were making an ethical choice with by choosing them. As a non-profit organisation, we can only continue to achieve our mission with the support of organisations and individuals. All offset donations go straight towards planting trees to restore a growing number of forests around Australia, and now New Zealand. “We look forward to many more years as a Greenfleet supporter and continue to recommend Greenfleet to our guests and colleagues,” said Terry.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Greenfleet

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Go West Tours

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: No financial goal was mentioned and no total donations achieved were stated

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:

