Securing a safe climate means that 80% of all existing fossil fuel reserves must remain in the ground—yet many of our institutions are investing in these reserves. Australia is one of the most carbon-intense economies in the world, yet we are rich in renewable energy resources. Most of us are unwittingly investing our money in fossil fuel expansion, through our superannuation and bank accounts. As institutions and individuals move their money out of fossil fuels and into clean energy, we can take away the fossil fuel industry’s social license to pollute the planet, unlock the climate action deadlock and set Australia on the path to a clean, safe and just energy future.
“If it’s wrong to wreck the climate, then it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage.”
Start your fossil free journey with 4 simple steps…
Since 2008, Australia’s big 4 banks have loaned $19 billion dollars to fossil fuel projects, from coal and gas export ports on the Great Barrier Reef to Australia’s largest new coal mine in NSW’s Leard State Forest. Find out more and take action today.
Over 55% of the world’s superannuation is invested in coal, oil, gas and other climate-exposed investments whilst less than 2% is invested in climate solutions like renewable energy. If super funds switched even a fraction of their investments to renewables, it would completely transform the energy industry. We have the opportunity to radically shift superannuation from being the world’s biggest fossil fuel investor to a climate change champion.
Ever wondered what your university, religious institution, workplace, or local government invests its money in? Chances are it involves fossil fuels. Start a campaign today and together, let’s help our institutions to move their money out of fossil fuels and take real action on climate change.