Go Beyond Gas

This campaign's vision is to keep gas in the ground, ensure WA has strong climate legislation, and for WA to go beyond gas. The campaign/movement is a broader initiative of CCWA.


Fossil Fuels program

Stopping the biggest new gas projects from going ahead is one of the most effective ways we can collectively address climate change in the place that we love and want to protect.
We are working on multiple fronts to strengthen government climate policies and legislation to protect our state. Our vision will move Western Australia beyond gas by building local community power and supporting the WA climate movement. 
What we do in WA today will impact the world. CCWA is determined to lead that change.
Scroll down to read about our Fossil Fuels campaigns!

Together, we can build the community power necessary to shift the politics of fossil gas in WA, stand up to WA’s biggest polluters and bring down emissions in our state.
Our vision is to keep gas in the ground, ensure the state has strong climate legislation, and for WA to go beyond gas.
We are building a sustainable and inclusive society that embraces renewable energy, strengthens community bonds, and safeguards the natural world for generations to come.

What’s involved:
* Opportunities to become an advocate for bold climate action within your community
* Join creative community events
* Fun interactive sessions to learn how to speak with your MP
Check out Go Beyond Gas here > https://www.gobeyondgas.com.au

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Go Beyond Gas

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: WA government|Woodside Energy

Groups - Other: Conservation Council of Western Australia,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2023 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Go Beyond Gas