Give Frank a Break

This campaign asked supporters to call on their State Premiers to introduce a Cash for Containers program for a 10c refundable deposit on drink containers
Introduce a Cash for Containers Scheme


5 Ways You Can Give Frank A Break:
Tell your Premier to introduce a Cash for Containers Scheme 
Supported by 84% of Australians, a 10c refundable deposit on drink containers is the most effective way to clean up our streets, rivers and beaches. Cash for Containers work! South Australia has one and it recycles beverage containers at double the national average.

Victoria: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
Western Australia: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
Tasmania: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
ACT: tell your Chief Minister to introduce Cash for Containers
NSW, SA and NT – your leader is already on board! Tell our Federal Environment Minister to support Cash for Containers
Queensland: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
Be a conscious consumer: Stop and think about what you buy, and say no to disposable, single-use, unnecessary items.
Say no to bottled water and plastic bags
Use reusable water bottles and bags.
Pick up litter
Rubbish travels down the storm drain and into the sea. Every little bit makes a difference.
Spread the word
Share the video on social media. Download our poster and distribute it throughout your community.
Download our plastics are forever poster
Download our plastics life cycle poster
Download an infographic on Cash for Containers 

More about the problem:
Watch Frank Woodley talk about the campaign on The Project
Throughout the world’s oceans lurks a silent killer. It will outlive us, outswim us, and threatens to undo us. The predator is plastic and it’s floating in an ocean near you. We’ve all seen plastic bottles in our creeks, bays and harbours, or uncovered a grocery bag in the sand at the beach. They’re adding up to one big problem for our seas. Our ocean is becoming a plastic soup and our sea life is choking on the contents.
Save a turtle. From our homes to their plates: Plastic pollution travels easily from land to sea. It blows in from bins and garbage dumps, or flows through stormwater drains into our waterways and eventually the sea. Once in the ocean, it slowly breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces which are eaten by animals at the bottom of our food chains. Larger pieces of plastic floating at the surface are readily mistaken for food by seabirds and turtles, while plastic bags and fishing lines can wrap around marine life and kill them. Throughout the world, around one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals are killed every year by plastics, either entangled and strangled or choked and starved.

Millions of tonnes of rubbish enter the world’s oceans each year. This plastic pollution rides the ocean’s currents and reaches the furtherst corners of our seas. Plastic is now even in the Antarctic wilderness. Unlike naturally-based paper or glass, plastic never truly goes away; it just breaks down into smaller pieces. That means that every piece of plastic you and I have ever used is still around today. The vast majority of the plastics in our seas come from our urban areas, from our streets.

Almost 90% of the marine debris found on Sydney’s beaches is plastic, mostly bottles, caps and straws.
Australians buy 600 million litres of bottled water a year.
We use 10 million plastic bags a day – that’s 3.9 billion plastic bags a year!

This is a global problem, with a truly local solution. We can turn our plastic addiction around. Plastic packaging is a recent craze – a fast fix. It’s unnecessary, unsustainable and must become unacceptable. We must change our habits and break the deadly cycle.

Victoria: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
Western Australia: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
Tasmania: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers
ACT: tell your Chief Minister to introduce Cash for Containers
NSW, SA and NT – your leader is already on board! Tell our Federal Environment Minister to support Cash for Containers
Queensland: tell your Premier to introduce Cash for Containers

Give Frank a Break video credits: many thanks to Nick Fletcher of Fletch Media, The Pearl Film Company and The Garry White Foundation.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Marine Conservation Society

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Your Premier

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2014 to 2018

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Give Frank a Break